
Steam Play Bringing Windows Games to Linux!

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Just yesterday Steam launched the first public iteration of it’s new feature: Steam Play. Steam Play utilizes a modified version of WINE called Proton, with bundled functionality from the Vulkan API and the DXVK project. It currently only officially supports a small number of games, but will be expanding this list in the near future. […]


Impostor Syndrome and How I Learned to Mitigate It

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Imposter syndrome (sometimes referred to as impostor phenomenon) is an experience that can occur to anyone, but has recently been getting a lot of discussion in the tech community. One having this experience often feels that they are a fraud or a fake, and fears that others may expose this deception to detrimental effect. Applied […]


The Ultimate Guide to Gaming on Linux in 2018

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Gaming and Linux. “Blasphemy!”, they cry. “You can’t game on Linux!”. As someone who uses Linux operating systems for both professional and personal purposes I see this sort of thing spouted all over the place, usually by someone who’s either been in the Linux world for a very long time or who has very little […]